The coronavirus pandemic has changed city life almost beyond recognition. Many people are struggling with loss, financial insecurity, and loneliness. At the same time, the crisis has made many things possible that were previously unthinkable or difficult to imagine – parks became open-air fitness studios, car parks turned into playgrounds, exhibition halls changed into hospital wards. Many of these things have come about spontaneously, without any underlying strategies or development plans sometimes initiated by city administrations, sometimes by private initiatives. They demonstrate a creativity we have not seen that we have not seen in cities for a long time. As the Urban Change Academy, we were wondering: what can cities learn from these projects?
In April 2021, we published „Urban Creativity Now! The Playbook for the Post-Corona City“ – a collection of impulses, observations and perspectives on the Corona pandemic. The playbook has a modular structure and is aimed at urban planners who are dealing with the impact of the pandemic on our cities.
In this seminar we will introduce you to the most important issues around the post-Corona city based on best cases from the playbook. Together we will discuss these cases and work out first possibilities for action for your post-Corona city.
In our compact online seminars, you will gain an overview of the most pressing future issues in urban development. In addition, you will learn new tools, methods and attitudes with which you can bring urban change processes to the finish line.
Mit unseren Seminaren wollen wir einen Diskussionsraum eröffnen: Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Deine Fragen, debattieren und tauschen uns aus. Je Termin werden maximal 15 Teilnehmer*innen zugelassen, um genügend Zeit für Austausch und individuelle Rückfragen zu haben. Seminare sind keine aufgezeichneten Webinare sondern werden an jedem Termin neu, live und je nach Beteiligung aus dem Teilnehmendenkreis individuell anders gehalten.
Fehlt Dir ein bestimmtes Thema? Dann entwickeln wir es gemeinsam. Wirf einen Blick in unser Portfolio und frage das Thema Deiner Wahl einfach unverbindlich an. Egal ob Du Dich als Einzelperson weiterbilden willst oder eine Format für Dein ganzes Team suchst – wir helfen Dir gerne weiter.
Rufe einfach die Detailseite des Angebots auf, das dich interessiert. Von dort aus kannst uns direkt kontaktieren und wir finden gemeinsam heraus, welches Format am besten zu Dir passt.
We provide you with a practical overview of the possibilities and limitations of targeted stakeholder participation.
Get an overview of the background, current developments and perspectives of the inner city development.
We present ten hands-on tips for traffic experiments - based on our experiences with the real-life experiment "Ottensen macht Platz".
In our three-part course, you will learn to understand and actively shape the future.
Crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, participatory budgeting: Find the perfect digital platform for your needs.
Get to know the most relevant trends and learn how to set up your own future discourses.
Lernt in diesem Kurs vor Ort, wie man Zukunft gestaltet und für Prozesse auf lokaler Ebene nutzbar macht.
Lernt in diesem Kurs vor Ort, wie man Zukunft gestaltet und für Prozesse auf lokaler Ebene nutzbar macht.