We live in uncertain times, also in terms of the city's ability to plan. Can we really only react? What tools do we have and where can we use them to understand and actively shape the future? How do other actors deal with uncertainty? Which attitudes hinder and which help in actively shaping the future? How can the openness of the future be communicated politically?
The course consists of three parts, in which we first get to the bottom of the causes of increasing unpredictability and complexity. And we will get an overview of instruments that are suitable for understanding and shaping the future: Where are scenarios useful? What is a SWOT analysis and how can it be used? Where does a trend influence analysis help? When do I use design fiction? These and other tools will be presented and illustrated in smaller exercises.
In the second part, we turn our gaze to possible futures, look at relevant trends and work with them using practical examples. For example, how might the trends "Living longer, being healthy and active longer" and "Diversity of production and distribution processes" change a city center? What might the day after tomorrow of a hospital campus look like if the trends "Spatial polarization" and "Virtual penetration of reality and digital life" take full effect? The exercises will give us a sense of how we can open up options for action to shape the future.
The third part focuses on what city makers need to successfully shape the future. Which attitudes, which "mindset", which skills are needed? How suitable are existing urban development planning processes for actively promoting future design? The trainers provide impulses, have experienced practitioners as guests and create opportunities for a lively exchange.
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We provide you with a practical overview of the possibilities and limitations of targeted stakeholder participation.
Get an overview of the background, current developments and perspectives of the inner city development.
We present ten hands-on tips for traffic experiments - based on our experiences with the real-life experiment "Ottensen macht Platz".
In our three-part course, you will learn to understand and actively shape the future.
Crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, participatory budgeting: Find the perfect digital platform for your needs.
Get to know the most relevant trends and learn how to set up your own future discourses.
Lernt in diesem Kurs vor Ort, wie man Zukunft gestaltet und für Prozesse auf lokaler Ebene nutzbar macht.
Lernt in diesem Kurs vor Ort, wie man Zukunft gestaltet und für Prozesse auf lokaler Ebene nutzbar macht.