Download Playbook
Download "Urban Creativity Now! The Playbook for the Post-Corona City" as a PDF. The Playbook is licensed internationally under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license. You are invited to share, experiment with, and build upon the content.
Since October 26, 2021, our playbook is also available in English. You can of course download both versions under the same conditions.
Our educational program is online!
In the last few months, we have not only been working on the Playbook, but also on our training program. We are very happy to present you our interdisciplinary course offering with experienced makers: The Urban Change Academy inspires, encourages and empowers city makers to shape urban change.
Lernen aus Realexperimenten
#mobilität  # öffentlicher raum  # realexperiment  # verkehrswende
Methoden für die kommunale Praxis
#forschung  # kommunal  # methode  # praxis  # zukunft
Erfolgreiches Mitwirken durch partizipatives Budgeting
Stadträume für alle gestalten
#gender planning  # genderplanning  # transformation  # urbanista  # vielfalt