A weather and climate workshop for citizens

Klima- und Wetterwerkstatt des Deutschen Wetterdienstes Offenbach; 29.06.2021
In light of the covid pandemic, the need for adequate urban green spaces has increased. In order to make more people aware of the importance of environmental and climate protection, the Office of Cultural Management and Economic Development of the City of Offenbach has entered into an innovative cooperation with the German Weather Service.
The Weather and Climate Workshop (WKW) in downtown Offenbach seeks to inform interested citizens about weather, weather hazards and climate change through scientific experiments and interactive installations. Visitors weigh air, make it rain, create air pressure, puzzle, predict the weather or even create their own weather in workshops. The weather and climate are constantly being examined from different angles, while lectures and events are held several times a month. The goal is to strengthen commitment to an intact environment. The offer will initially run until the end of 2021 – an extension is being sought.
Why is it interesting?
  • Offenbach now has a place where citizens can experience the future topics of weather and climate in a practical way.
  • The Weather and Climate Workshop (WKW) makes it possible to directly address the population.
  • The concept is based not only on facts, but above all on dialogue, commitment and personal involvement.
  • Other future topics, such as the need for mobility change, could also be brought closer to the population in workshops. Which actors would have to work together for this?
  • Which future topics can we address? Which cooperation partners would be needed for this?
  • In which other contexts can we combine knowledge and skills?
Photo: © DWD, Source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
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